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Welcome to Hamilton Korean School

HKS will prepare and teach students to ask themselves “Who am I?” and seriously consider the fundamental topic of finding their identities. I hope that as they mature into adults, they’ll remember HKS as their pillar of comfort and pride through difficult times as well as through periods of success.


Upcoming Events

**2023 Fall Semester
개학일/School Open: 9/19/2023(Sat)

**송편 만들기-Making Korean rice cake: 9/30/2023

**한글날기념 미술 수업Art class for Hangeul Day: 10/7/2023

**한국음식 만들기-김밥, 떡볶이 등 메뉴추후 결정-Korean food making day(per each class, Menus will be decided later):12/2/2023

**크리스마스 카드 만들어 부치기Making Christmas Card: 12/9/2023

학교 소식 Our Latest News

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등록신청서 Registration Form



학사일정, 시간표 

School Calendar

'I Love Korea' Application

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