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등록, 입학 Our Admissions
아래 등록신청서를 다운로드하셔서 작성하세요.
Download this Registration Word Form or Registration PDF Form, and fill in all the correct details!
작성된 신청서를 개학일에 가져오시거나 으로 첨부해서 보내주세요.
Bring or send your form to the following email address:
We shall process your admission and update you when receiving payment and all documentation.
Check Payable to:
Hamilton Korean School
등록신청서를 이메일로 보내실 경우 다음의 주소로 등록비를 보내주세요 Please mail the tuition to the address below when you submit registration form via email.
Mailing Address:
Julia Ghang, 580 American Ave #B401, King of Prussia, PA 19406
개학일에 등록하실 경우 당일 등록비를 내시면 됩니다. In Person Registration: Please bring the filled out registration form along with tuition to School
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